Isla Del Sol

Isla del Sol is surrounded by natural wetlands and wildlife habitat on West Galveston Island. Its 300-plus lots are all on the Galveston Bay side of FM 3005, some 16 miles from 61st Street in Galveston.

Isla del Sol development began in the mid-1980s. About half of its existing properties are sited on canals or on Galveston Bay, with the remainder on dry lots. Homes range in size from small 930-square-foot cottages to more imposing structures of 4,700 square feet. Architectural styles are typical of Galveston beach houses, incorporating a mix of traditional and contemporary designs.

Isla del Sol has a private boat launch with quick access to West Galveston Bay, from which boaters can reach the open Gulf of Mexico via San Luis Pass about 6 miles away. There is a private fishing pier for Isla del Sol property owners, and the nearby Houston Audubon Dos Vacas Muertas Bird Sanctuary is prime birding territory. A small grocery store is located nearby, and a City of Galveston fire station is about a mile away.

Vacation rentals are permitted.

Pricing is generally typical of other areas of bay houses for sale in Galveston, ranging from the $250,000s to over $1 million. Home sites range between $40,000 to over $100,000.


Isla Del Sol Homeowner Association

map of Galveston Island - Neighborhoods - Isla del Sol