Terramar Beach

Terramar Beach is a community of nearly 600 platted lots on the beach and bay sides of FM 3005, about 17 miles west of 61st Street and 5 miles east of San Luis Pass at the far western end of Galveston Island. Some 200 single-family houses of mostly traditional design have been built on Terramar Beach’s bayfront, canal, beach and dry lots.

Established in the late 1960s, Terramar Beach is among the West End’s oldest areas of West Galveston real estate, yet half of the homes have been built since the mid-1990s and many sites for new homes are still available. Unlike most Galveston neighborhoods, Terramar Beach has deed restrictions prohibiting commercial development. The median house size is 1,260 square feet.

The Terramar Beach Community Improvement Association operates a private pool and pavilion for property owners and guests, along with a boat launch and marina.  The Gulf of Mexico is accessible by boat via West Galveston Bay. The neighborhood is next to a wetlands area, the Houston Audubon Dos Vacas Muertas Bird Sanctuary is nearby, and Galveston Island State Park is about 9 miles to the east. A small grocery store and a fire station are about a mile away.

Vacation rentals are permitted in Terramar Beach.

Pricing is comparable to other beach and bay houses for sale in Galveston, ranging from the $200,000s to over $1 million.


Terramar Beach Community Improvement Association

Map of Galveston Island Neighborhood - Terramar Beach