Posted on 6/16/2017

What do Portland and Galveston have in common?

Loos!  No, really. Let's talk toilets! (That's a series of sentences we never thought we'd be writing!)

Portland Loo Galveston Beach
Image courtesy of City of Galveston

The first of five "Portland Loos" have been installed along Seawall Blvd.! These free-standing restrooms are modular stainless steel units with a flushing toilet & hand sanitizer station inside, and a hand-washing station & shower on the exterior. Island visitors to the new beaches along the seawall rejoice!

portland loo diagram on galveston beach
Image courtesy of The City of Portland

Touted as virtually indestructible, these prefabricated units are named for and patented by the city of Portland, Oregon. Carefully considered features - not the least of which is an interior large enough for a family and an exterior sink & shower for walk-by traffic - make us excited to see this innovative solution implemented on Galveston Island.

The first unit was installed at 29th Street, and the others are slated for locations along Seawall Blvd. at 19th, 39th, 45th, and 61st Streets.

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